8/3/17-8/5/17 Respite From the Road

From fire to fire we rode and landed in an oasis.

Waking to coffee and blankets in front of the our cabin fire gave no clue to the rest of the day. Plans to visit dear friends inland, we knew that half our dance card would be filled by charming ocean vistas and the rest would be chaperoned by the ancient and stalwart redwoods. 

Our ocean run was as impressive as any. Into each turn, the Pacific slammed us with salt spray, sea carved rocks and leather-worthy wind. Riding into California, Jules got another kiss as we do at every boundary we cross, whether it's national, state or even the Continental Divide. 

Veering from the ocean, we headed into the redwoods. Route 197 to 199 provides a pathway through the most humbling forest I have ever experienced. Thick with trees hundreds of years old, the road embraced us and we fell in love again with these monuments of nature and time. The cloak of wonder that wraps you in these moss carpeted cathedrals is ethereal. And then we dove into the Illinois Valley. 

Boom! A heat explosion nearly blasted us from our seats as we headed back into Oregon (a two kiss day) on 199. The thermometer seemed to rise a degree every mile and by the time we reached Selma, our destination, it topped out at 109. We have never ridden in such intense heat and have tried to avoid it at all costs, but we were headed toward Dani and Miri, lifelong friends, and that gave us the boost to ride on. Barely able to breath, we reached their farm and entered another world.

This was our first visit to their new house, as they were just talking about settling on the west coast from Israel when we met them in BC last year. A dream of a hand crafted home, detailed at every angle, none of which are square, the house is surrounded by gardens and orchards. Miles from civilization, it sits by a trickle of a stream that roars in the spring and is only passable then by a home made suspension bridge. Walking into a real life fairy castle (with air conditioning, too) we hugged  our treasured friends and settled in for long catch-ups of the past year and recaps of thousands of memories. Overwhelming hospitality welcomed us for three days, as we fell into the rhythm of their lives, rested our weary souls and rejuvenated for the trip back home. Our gratitude for their love and friendship is immeasurable.

And now we will weave our way east. No specific route has been scribed because we will try to wander where the mountains are tallest, the temperatures moderate and the skies clear, not always an easy task. We rode through fire to reconnect with old friends, so we feel now, that anything is possible. The fiber created as we travel may be smooth, then rough, but always  improves the texture of our lives. 

Gold Beach fire to temper the ocean chill

Rascal spent the night with a huge butterfly bush

Back on beautiful 101

Redwood lunch

Ancient forests


Then into hell! And there are 2 more degrees to go!

Heaven and haven from the heat 

A suspension bridge to the forest beyond 

Most delicious apples 


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