8/1-8/2 Going Coastal

Mad dogs and motorcycle riders .....

Tuesday began the heat wave in Oregon. With record temperatures of 112 predicted, we decided to get out of Dodge. But Jules wanted to visit some nurseries in Gresham first, so I did a wash while he did business. We left around 12 as the mercury rose, only to sit in Portland traffic. Avoiding a tie-up on the interstate due to an accident , we rode through town, cooking at every traffic light.

Finally we broke free and headed to the Coast. At our picnic stop in a shady grove, we convinced ourselves that it was definitely cooler, but checking the temperature on the bike changed our opinion - 99 degrees. No wonder we were sweating!

At Tillimook, home to some pretty cheesy cows, the heat wave broke and we sailed to the Pacific. Once settled in our ocean front digs in Lincoln City, the heat was only a memory. Two dozen oysters done 4 ways, 6 shooters included, and everything was cool. A Pacific sunset iced the day.

Waking to the sound of the ocean, we tarried on our deck watching sea birds and happy vacationers. Weather reports from the interior reassured us that we had ridden in the right direction. Dragging ourselves away from a perfect night, we continued south on Route 101.

Riding out of Lincoln City the temperature was in the 60's. Then all day we rode the roller coaster, chill then sweating. The degree change was so abrupt, it was like opening the oven door, then sticking your head in the refrigerator. The signature rocky shoreline of Oregon dazzled us as huge rocks jutted out of the ocean like citadels guarding the land.

Traffic picked up in Newport and other shore towns, where, like us, refugees from the heat flocked. Shops  selling inflatable rafts, T-shirts and other chatchki rimmed the road. I felt like I had been transported back to the Jersey Shore.

Docking in Gold Beach for the night, we put our feet up on the rail of our deck and were thrilled by another perfect sunset, this being the first time we have been on the Coast when there wasn't fog!

We made it to the other side! A very circuitous route and one month on the road have brought us to the west coast and all its rugged beauty. Undecided about our next move we waver  between languishing in the cool ocean breeze or forging back into the valley. Whatever our decision, we will face it two up and weave it into the tapestry of our travels.


Traffic jam ahead

No green like an Oregon green

Cheesy cows from Tillimook

Oyster shooters

More oysters

Love Oregon 

Our home base for the night

Campfires on the beach


You gotta love Oregon - "The Weed Man" 

Paths to the ocean

Rugged coast

Random rocks


Seal rocks



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