7/29/17 Another scorcher

Even though it's hot, every ride is one to remember.

A cool morning teased us with its promise. In long sleeves, we rode out to conquer Steven's Pass. Rascal's odometer clicked over to 77,000 and we laughed at the fact that it took 7000 miles for a 3500 mile trip. We do weave about!

Expecting a free ride to the mountains, we were snookered between Sultan and Goldbar by stop and go for an hour, the result of Saturday traffic and 3 lights. Fender to bumper we crawled, the mercury rising by the minute. As all seemingly never-ending situations, it finally passed and we broke loose.

Rising in altitude, we rocketed up Route 2, an open four lane climber into the Wenatchee National Forest.  Ascending easily, Rascal made her power known by eating the upward slopes like candy. Green veined mountains clued us in that we were close to the pass, where a popular ski resort sits. At 4000 feet we were ready to slalom down.

Our cheese break at a rest stop clogged with hundreds of bikers wearing colors and holding some sort of memorial chilled us. We have never understood this need for the "bond of brotherhood" and boy-scouts they aren't. Jules and I create our own bond and the colors we wear are hidden in our hearts.

Past Lake Wenatchee, Jules decided to take an alternate route called the Chiwawa Loop. Halfway in, road construction ambushed us as a chunky rock strewn road caused him to work a little harder and me grind my teeth. Squirreling our way through, the next event was mud, at least hard packed. Carefully navigating this 8 mile stretch, the loop took on more than a scenic turn. Ultimately, we conquered the obstacle course and headed on our way down into the hot box.

Again the temperature pushed over 100, which is hot even when you can escape it. But for us there was no respite as the wind scorched our faces. Through barren desert landscape we baked on the bike. Landing in Yakima, locals assured us that it gets way hotter than this. But even with the temperature stacked against us, today was another stellar ride. Sitting in air conditioning, boots off and cooled down, we tend to recall only the road and us together on it.

It took us 7000 miles to cross the continent

The Cascades still loom

Stevens Pass

A rocky road

A squirrelly ride

An abandoned farm - I wonder why

Our afternoon view


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