7/14/17 On the TCH

Why guzzle life when there's so much to savor?

Instead of hitting the road with screeching tires, we meandered onto a little side track - the tractor auction we'd heard about the night before. As we were leaving,  Jules met one of the auctioneers in the parking lot of our motel. After conversation and directions, off we went. I gladly rode along, knowing this was something very important to my farmer husband.

Even I was awed by the magnitude of this collection. Hundreds of Allis-Chalmers tractors, many fully restored, filled three huge barns and acres of outside space. Jules kept a running commentary of which farmer he knew had owned which model. A first class operation, the auction was complete with large screen TVs, a band and coverage by RFD TV. Mecum is known for its televised Las Vegas antique car auctions, so this was a different venue. A sad story of extreme government oversight and intervention caused the owner, a farmer who discovered a valuable stone quarry on his property that made him a fortune, give up his life's collection.

After a breakfast at the auction roach coach, Fat Les's (they say he really is fat), we wandered back to route 17, the Trans Canadian Highway, our road for the day and many to come. Mimicking the curve of  the Ottawa River, we rode west through forest and farmland, bright yellow fields of canola brightening a gray day. 

And then again, the internet connected us with friends from our past. Ontarians, Roland and Lori were fellow travelers on our tour to Mexico several years ago and we have kept in touch via Facebook. Because  of various postings, we both knew we would be riding past each other somewhere on route 17. With just a bit of orchestration, our paths collided at a Tim Horton's in Espanola. Thrilled to see each other, we caught up on recent histories and had a few laughs over old times. Hours flew by and so much more than miles was accomplished. Finally we had to pull back on the road to head in opposite directions for our final destinations of the day. Ours was Blind River, a gentle one hour ride along the Georgian Bay of Lake Huron. 

 Note: Tim Horton's is a ubiquitous Canadian fast-food chain that Jules and I had never visited before. And hold on to your hats - having been bought by Wendy's, it is now invading the states!

Today was not about eating up asphalt. We traveled slowly, stopping to enjoy treats like antique tractors and old friends. The time we spent off the road was far more valuable than clocking miles, and in the end will nourish our memories. 

Mecum Tractor Auction

 Double rows of Allis-Chalmers

A ski tractor!

Even more outside

The G

An old boy


Beautiful fields of Canola

Canadian Friends


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