7/12/17 Au Revoir

It was a day of heavenly views and highways.

For most of the morning, the river, churches and dairy farms once again guided us to Québec. Cloudy skies held their burden and we rode dry, completing our circumnavigation of the  Gaspésie. 

Closing in on the city,  traffic became tight and drivers erratic. Constant awareness of all the vehicles around you is a necessity on the bike and in city situations it's a plus to have an extra pair of eyes. A detour to the ferry escorted us up and down steep hills. Atop a cliff where Fort Lévis sits, we scored a picnic spot with a charming view of the old city. Barges and sailboats floated by below us and music drifted across from the other bank. Enjoying a lunch of wine, baguette, fromage and smoked salmon, we decided that we were French enough and didn't need to battle Québec traffic, so we nixed the ferry and headed out to route 20 to beat feet out of town.

We finally crossed the Saint Lawrence at Trois Rivières, after highwaying it for about 130 kilometers from our serene picnic. Heading into Montreal, we knew we were in for more traffic, so we called it a day in Yamachiche, partly because we liked to say the name! 

Historic cities like Québec beckon tourists from all over the world. Its many remarkable buildings, restaurants and shops hold a strong appeal. As two wheelers, motoring our way, we are not drawn to urban settings. We know there are wonders we are missing, but the open road has a much stronger call. 

The Gaspésie thrilled us beyond measure and was well worth any traffic we have to now endure. Perhaps when we are old and confined to four wheels, we will city-hop. But for now, the wind in our faces, winding roads, and an immense connection to our surroundings and each other will keep us rolling on two, avoiding civilization whenever we can.

Our morning view

Yet another beautiful church

The river narrows

Quebec from afar

Atop Fort Lévis 

Barges on the St. Lawrence

The skyline and me!

And then the Dukes showed up!


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