8/15/17-8/16/17 Just Going Home
The monotony of the highway serves as a stimulus for thought. In brief, we have broken through to the East. Humidity, heavy traffic and lots of humanity welcomed us back. After crossing from Missouri into Illinois, in a quiet lunch by the Mississippi, Hannibal charmed us from across the Big Muddy. Of course we imagined Mark Twain or his alter ego, Tom Sawyer, on makeshift rafts, skinny dipping in the channel where jet skis now play. After that it was pretty much a mile eating challenge, as we roared toward home. We sliced through the Land of Lincoln, following Route 36, then 72. Springfield, Decatur and Champagne flew by. Not quite making it to Indiana, we stopped near the border in Danville for the night. Then into Indiana. Traffic picked up and by the time we busted through Indianapolis and jumped on Route 70, tractor trailers accounted for 50% of the thick congestion. Hours on the bike at high speeds with little to look at except our reflection in the shiny hubcaps of some pas...